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In-house publishing of a magazine is trendy. With your own magazine you can profile your own company. It is the best way of presenting yourself. You can sell a magazine separately or use it as promotion for follow-up business. We have already published several magazines.


Physical magazine

The most impact will be made with a physical magazine, so real paper print. A magazine that will be on the coffee table for a considerable time or that will be kept forever in the book case. With a physical magazine you would want to leave a good impression. That is why it is important to raise the value of the magazine by paying attention to both content, design and production.

Physical magazine

The most impact will be made with a physical magazine, so real paper print. A magazine that will be on the coffee table for a considerable time or that will be kept forever in the book case. With a physical magazine you would want to leave a good impression. That is why it is important to raise the value of the magazine by paying attention to both content, design and production.


Digital magazine

With this online variety you save the cost of printing and distribution of copies. In this way you do not have to take financial risk and estimate the circulation beforehand. It is an option to publish your magazine only digitally and promote this online. There is also a possibility to browse the digital magazine. And you can offer your magazine digitally through your web shop if the physical copies are sold out.



There are many ways to make an e-book. A beautiful design is crucial. We are not referring to the traditional way of a book through online bookshops for an e-reader. E-books can easily be offered through your own website as a free download or at a price. Think of reading book, work book, book of recipes, a brochure of a questionnaire as a PDF.


There are many ways to make an e-book. A beautiful design is crucial. We are not referring to the traditional way of a book through online bookshops for an e-reader. E-books can easily be offered through your own website as a free download or at a price. Think of reading book, work book, book of recipes, a brochure of a questionnaire as a PDF.


And now what?The way we work

We do not want to overwhelm you with long stretches of text and information on our side. We like to keep things transparent. Our areas of expertise that we would like to draw your attention to, are design, websites, magazines, social media and business coaching. More detailed information and examples we will send on request or just take a look in our web shop.

We can do a lot, because our combined expertise makes us strong and versatile. If necessary, we can hire supplementary specialists from our carefully built network. We will direct them, so that we can take that hassle from you. That is the force of simplicity. We like to keep things simple.

Do we have a match?

Please do contact us. It is very easy to make an appointment for a first introduction. Then you will find out straight away if we can work together successfully.